We are home! We got home on 9-3 and (I slept through 9-4). She was 5lbs 9oz when she came home. Apparently, I spoke to
the wrong nurse on 9-1. The doctors and other nurses just felt like her low tempuratue was just an abiration.
So now we are home and have to take her tempurature several times a day. She passed her first newborn screening and her hearing
The Maass's are staying with us this week to get us transistioned into having a tinynew family member. So now we will
be taking stock out in Germ-x for the kiddos. We will be in hiding until she is bigger since she is not allowed to be in crowds.
We'll be getting the RSV immunization and we will probably resurface some time in in the fall.
I cannot thank the people/women/families that have supported us since June. Here is a list of ministries we received:
- prayers
- house cleaning
- grocery shopping
- meals (consistently daily since 6/29!)
- off-site babyloving
- on site babyloving
- midnight driving in the middle of the night to come watch our kids when we headed off to the hospital again baby loving!
- hospital meals
- DVD delivery services
- financial donations
- Maggie moo, McD's, Kim Phu's, Sonic & candy bar deliveries to the Med!
- General husband helping
- and more...
all of this equals lots of Christ's love!!!!
Thank you so much!
SET-BACK: Yesterday evening she had trouble regulating her tempurature. So she was moved from a crib to a warmer. I am
doing stuff around the RMH today (like laundry) so I have not made it there yet. So I do not know if she made it back to her
crib last night which as the goal. Prior to this we were hoping for a 3-6 day release. I think we may now be looking at 6-10
days. Also, I was running a fever yester evening so I am trying to take it a little slower today.
Pearson is doing well. She is gaining weight, we are breast feeding. They discontinued her oxygen satuaration monitor
today. We are waiting to takwe a CPR class they require everyone to take before release and we are hopeful of being released
in the next week or so and returning home to College Station.
I was in College Station today. Kim toted me around and I had a doctors appointment which went very well. He let me know
how happy he was with the outcome and that there was a time when he felt he was losing me. I praise God that I am still here
but I am reminded that being absent from the body is being present with the Lord! I am still recovering from my C-Section
(which is unusual for me) I think since I was cut both horizontally and vertically it is delaying my recovery.
As for the rest of the day in College Station I slept, I was more tired than I realized!
8-29 11:12 pm
- weighs 5# 3 oz
- They have had some concerns about her maintaining her tempurature.Please keep this in your prayers.
- Breast feeding is going well. She did a really good job today.
- The Maass's brought Peyton & Parker to the Hospital yesterday and they had a good visit with us and their new baby
sister. They also had a chance to visit the Children's Museum of Houston, so hopefully they will have positive memories of
this time in our lives.
- weighs 5 # and 1.6 oz
- We began breastfeeding today. Pearson roots and was a natural. It was successful thank you for prayers I am
now looking forward to breastfeeding.
- Right now she is in an incubator. The Docotors left orders to move her to an open crib. If she is able to maintain her
tempurature than she will get to stay in the open crib!
- Weighs 4# & 15 oz last night
- She ate 5cc from a bottle and the rest in her tube
- She is on one bottle a day and they will gradually increase the # of bottles each day as they attempt to wean her fromt
he feeding tube.
- We will try breast feeding this afternoon
- She has all lines removed except for the feeding tube
- We are in room 35 at the Houston Ronald McDonald House (713-795-3535 is our direct line). The Ronald McDonald House is
incredible. They really work hard to make sure you feel comfortable and like you are at home. Its amazing the difference they
must make in the lives of these sick children and their families. Thank you for praying us into the House.
- We have a sitter for the Maass's for their football game on Saturday! Thanks so much.
- Pearson weighing in at 4# 12oz (about 1/2 size of Parker at birth)'
- We have been accepted into the longterm stay Ronald McDonald House
- We enjoyed the company of the Edison's last night for Dinner (praise God!)
- The IV tube is going to stay in her arm for a while (a day or so) in case there is a need for its use.
- They are now talking about trying to get her to suck and enrolling her in occupational therapy.
- Today we should get a treatment plan.
2:30 p.m.
- Pearson was moved from level 3 to level 2!
- She is regaining the weight that all newborns lose right after birth.
- The nurse is going to see if they can take the IV out of her arm since she has not been receiving antibiotics for a few
days now.
- They are increasing her feeding from to 38cc to 41cc starting at six.
RE Kyle: Please keep praying for my health. I of course over did it yesterday and today I am being more careful and trying
not to expend so much energy. So the best husband in the world is wheeling me around in a wheelchair!
7:52 pm
Well, I finally made it to Houston! Pearson is doing well. We got to hold her for the first time tonight when we
arrove! She only has a feeding tube and looks great even though she is so small and wrinkly. Right now she is in level 3
(neonatal ICU) and they are talking about moving her to level 2 tommorow which represents an upgrade in her
condition. Her resparations are still a little too fast at times and they just took out her nasal canual so they want to keep
a close eye on her tonight. Praise God we got a room in TX Children's hospital at the Ronald McDonald House. We are staying
on the floor very near her unit at the Ronald McDonald House, its truly a blessing. Thanks for your prayers!!
The McVays
10:00 a.m.
My count is going up! So I am finally being released from the hospital by my fantastic doctor! I will have to take 2
iron tablets a day for a while. He also infomred us that I actually lost 50% of my during the surgery. I am banned from driving
for 5 more weeks (Which is a praise for Wayne since his car does not have A/C)
- going from 6cc to 14 cc a day
- Continuing TPN & Lipids lines (Nurse said hopefully all the lines from her umbilical cord will be out tommorow)
- She is "yellow" (I'm assuming she's developed jaundice) and they have her undera blue light.
- She's screaming a lot now (YEAH!)
- They are moving her to a "Baby Condo" because she does not need as much heat help.
RE: Kyle .....................So far my pressures look good and I am still not dizzy (I have not been dizzy in the
past either) so I may be released tommorow.
10:00 a.m.
I (Kyle) bam not going to be released from the hospital today due to a low count. I narrowly avoided a transfusion after
surgery and now my count has gone down. Please pray that my count would improve and I can go down to Houston soon.
- She is no longer taking antibiotics
- weaning her from oxygen
- she passed a small stoll
- eating 6 cc every 3 hours through an og tube
- 1 of the two umbilical cathedore/lines have been removed and the one that remains provides TPM's and Lipids (nutrition)
- inhibation tube has been removed
- a Nasal canual has been placed in her nose
As many of you know this has been a very difficult pregnancy and Pearson
was born at 33 weeks. Well, tonight Pearson
was life flighted to Texas
Children's at about 9 pm. Her resparations were 3 times normal and she was breathing 56% oxygen
under an oxygen hood. In general normal people breath about 12% oxygen. She was stable when sent however she does have
lungs and may possibly have some kind of septisis. They are
giving her cerfactant for underdeveloped lungs and a wide spectrum
for the possible septisis.
Kyle's Complications:
FULL Placenta Previa
Gestatinal Diabetes
(also several other pre-existing conditions)
Hosptialized for bleeding: 6/29-7/1 & 7/24-8/9 and now 8/18-present
During Labor:
Loss of 40% of my
Uterus and bowel entanglement
I will be taking iron pills and will not be allowed to drive for 6 week from Pearson's D.O.B. due to the massive loss
of . Thank you for praying because due to your prayers I did not have a transfusion! Additionally, I have not been dizzy
or confused.
DOB 8-18
5 pounds 4 oz
33 weeks and 2 days old