As far as I can tell there are two ways to attack the blessing of laundry and they are the following:
Laundry Day
A laundry day is a day or days you schedule to wash all of your families laundry.
How do I do this? Pick a day(s) each week you will be home for several hours and you are able to
do laundry. Keep this date the same each week and even write it on your calendar so you do not schedule appointments on your
laundry day. Then wash, fold and put away all of the laundry.
- Its a set time
- A definite feeling of accomplishment
- If you miss a day you have a huge back log of laundry
- Getting it all put away in a timely manner
Daily Laundry
Setting up your laundry room (if you are blessed to have a room) or your laundry closet (this is what I have) to
do laundry on a nearly daily basis. Every couple of days you empty family baskets and sort the clothes (dark, white,
light & red/pink (if you have little girls).
- Small amounts to fold and put away
- short period of time doing laundry
- if you do not do laundry nearly every day you create a huge back log
- Have to be aware of everyones underwear situation
I do laundry on a daily basis. I've simply found it fits best in my lifestyle best. So find a way that works for you
and bless your family with clean laundry!
Laundry 101: How to do laundry
Laundry in the 1900's
If you feel overwhelmed by todays laundry read these informative articles about how women did laundry last centry. It
will make you praise God for Mr. Kenmore, Mr. Whirlpool and Mr. Amana!
Teach your children to fold and help put away laundry. If you have younger children, they can help by sorting rags, hand
towels, bath towels, socks, underwear, etc., and they can match socks. They're learning how to help the family, and they
are learning pre-school/kindergarten skills by sorting and matching. Praise God for your extra little helpers.