- Chuck e Cheese - Cost is 8.50 per child, goodie bag is 1.99 each child to schedule a birthday party go
to their website at www.chuckecheese.com
- The Children's Museum 979-779-KIDS (5437) http://www.mymuseum.com/parties.html - They now do the parties upstairs in a room that you can decorate and the museum is not reserved solely for the birthday
- McDonalds
- Arctic Wolf Ice Center -979-693-3900 http://arcticwolfice.com
- Maddhatter's Tea Room: 210 S. Echols in Caldwell
Phone: 979-567-3504 (We attended a Birthday party
here and it was simply adorable!!!)
- Roller skating parties
- Bowling Parties
- Bryan City Parks & Pools
- College Station City Parks & Pools
- Natural History Museum - (979) 776-2195 www.http://bvmuseum.myriad.net/ Get to touch snakes, bugs etc...
- Gatti Town
- Powersports (979) 693-0417 Kim gave their parties 2 thumbs up lots of fun constant motion and the parents
have a birds eye view of the festivities!
- The Tgarden - 979.268.4171 www.tgardencafe.com
- Jaques Books (We did not enjoy the party that we went to at Jaques it was in a store room and the hostess
kept telling the (age 2-6) children to be quiet?)
Washington County
Shiloh Ranch- 979-836-0599 www.shilohranchtexas.com offers horseback rides and a trick horse performances and birthday party ponies located in Chappel Hill.
Vendors for home
Aggieland moonwalk - 979-775-JUMP http://aggielandmoonwalks.tripod.com/They have moonwalks (aka jumpies or bouncies), snow cone machines, cotton candy machine and reasonable prices.
The following is a list of websites, downloads and articles that will help you to better plan and organize your
next Birthday Party:
Family Fun Magazine Parties
Birthday Express